“Think of it as a ‘Ripple Effect – a drop of information that challenges the status quo and spreads in ever – widening circles to make a positive influence and generate significant results.” 

Youth Health

Seniors Health


Mental Health

Promoting Health

We have thrown a pebble of Hope Into Troubled Waters, To create an ever widening Ripple of Wellness

Together We Can

TREWO’s mission is to create healthy communities through education – closing tangible gaps in delivery of information, or invisible but equally critical gaps in understanding it. One of our main goals is to inspire change – at a personal level. Think of it as a ‘Ripple Effect’ – a drop of information that challenges the status quo and spreads in ever-widening circles to make a positive influence and generate significant results.

The fulcrum of our mission, vision and values is our relationships with communities, the bridges we have built with them and our conviction to influence a positive change. That’s the context for everything we do at TREWO; it’s our filter for our past success and our lens for future success.

Current Events

2024 Imagination Ball

The march towards the big Gala is starting !

“Stop That Heart Attack Audience Testimonials”

Ontario’s Doctors warn of Family Physician shortage

Celebrate Life's Milestones Memorably

Give a charitable donation to TREWO in lieu of a gift and we will send a card in your name to the recipient of your choice.

Community Partners

Omni TV

We are deeply grateful to our Sponsors, our financial foundation, for providing unwavering stability and support to us. They help us see our work to fruition. Together, we are proud of the work we have accomplished.
Solely supported by our Sponsors , we host a gala and golf tournament every year: events that draw hundreds of guests.

Think of it as a ‘Ripple Effect’ – a drop of information that challenges the status quo and spreads in ever-widening circles to make a positive influence and generate significant results.